National Foster Care Month highlights the needs and experiences of children in foster care while acknowledging the dedication of foster parents, social workers and advocates. This month serves as a platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children in the foster care system and encourages support for policies and initiatives that enhance their wellbeing and prospects for a stable, loving home.



Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services

This is the website for our local child welfare agency that provides support and services to families in need within Los Angeles County, while ensuring the safety of our children and youth, by working collaboratively with communities to keep children at home whenever possible. 


Department of Public Social Services

This local government agency is responsible for providing a wide range of social and economic support programs to individuals and families in need. One vital piece of their program is providing residents of LA County with food and nutrition resources such as the LA Regional Food Bank¡Más Fresco!CalFresh, and much more. 


County of Los Angeles Probation Ombudsman

The Ombudsman program serves as a confidential and impartial resource for probation youth, their families, and the community. They investigate complaints informally, aiming for efficiency and fairness.  


LA Youth Rights

This website outlines various the rights and protections afforded to foster youth in Los Angeles County. Youth may also find the Los Angeles County Foster Youth Bill of Rights, which consists of 41 rights and provisions related to education, healthcare, placement stability, visitation with family, and access to legal representation. 


Alliance for Children's Rights

The Alliance is dedicated to ensuring stability and assistance for children in foster care and those vulnerable to entering it. They work to connect these children with crucial services like healthcare, education, and housing. When reuniting with biological parents isn't feasible, the Alliance supports permanency through adoption and legal guardianship. For young adults transitioning out of foster care, they provide programs and advocacy to foster independence. 


California Foster Youth Education Task Force

This group of 100+ dedicated professionals collaborate together to improve the educational outcomes for our students in foster care throughout California. One incredible resource this group creates is the California Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheets, which provides the reader with seven fact sheets that cover everything from school stability and school discipline to graduation exemption requirements and who is able to make educational decisions for children and youth in care.  


Los Angeles County Office of Education, Foster Youth Services Summer Guide for 2024: This annual summer guide is provided to our LEAs and community partners throughout Los Angeles. Our team has gathered resources from LA Countywide as well as those specific to their region. Some resources in this guide are summer programs offered through the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, private non-profits that offer free summer camp experiences, summer bridge programs, and how to deal with summer melt.

211 LA advertises its program as " the hub for community members and community organizations looking for all types of health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County." This is a 24-hour call line or through their website and chat. They offer community events, connections, special programs, and care coordination, and have a database of over 50,000 health and human services.