Classified Human Resources

Classified positions are non-teaching positions that support educators and schools throughout Los Angeles County. Careers within LACOE include professions that directly or indirectly impact the success of students throughout Los Angeles County.

LACOE employs staff across a wide variety of position classifications in the following areas:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Clerical and Secretarial
  • Facilities and Construction
  • Human Resources
  • Legal and Regulatory
  • Braille and Sign Language
  • Communications and Video
  • Grants and Legislation
  • Information Technology
  • Student Services

Visit our Applicant Resources page to learn more about the recruitment and selection process.

Personnel Commission

The Personnel Commission is an independent body responsible for maintaining the Merit System for classified employees and overseeing the work of the Executive Director and the Personnel Commission staff.

Visit our Commission Meetings page to learn about upcoming Personnel Commistion meetings and how to attend.

Dr. Sharon Dezutti, Chairperson

Dr. Sharon Dezutti's re-nominated by SEIU was approved by the County Superintendent, on November 02, 2021. Her re-appointment is effective December 01, 2021, for a three-year term.

Anita Ford, Vice-Chairperson

Mrs. Anita Ford was re-appointed by the County Superintendent effective December 1, 2022, for a three-year term. 

Michael J. Henry, Member

Mr. Michael J. Henry is a joint appointee effective December 1, 2011, and reappointed for a three-year term effective December 1, 2020.


Office of the Personnel Commission
(562) 803-8360