Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on Governor’s 2024-25 California State Budget Proposal

Wed Jan 10 15:07:00 PST 2024

Dr. Duardo provides a statement on Governor Newsom's 2024-25 Proposed State Budget.

“Over the past few years, California has made significant strides in improving education through increased investments in our schools. These investments have led to better outcomes for our students, increased access to high-quality educational resources, and a brighter future for all Californians. We appreciate Governor Newsom’s leadership and dedication to education and the progress we have achieved thus far.  

We are pleased that many essential education programs like community schools, universal school meals, and education workforce will be protected under the Governor’s 2024-25 Proposed State Budget. These programs play a pivotal role in providing our students with a well-rounded education and ensuring that they have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. The governor’s decision to prioritize these programs underscores his commitment to the future of our students and our state. By maintaining funding for education, we can continue to invest in programs that support the social, emotional, and physical development of our students, ensuring they receive a comprehensive education that addresses their holistic needs.  

While we recognize the challenges associated with budgetary constraints, we are committed to working collaboratively to maintain this momentum. We urge lawmakers to continue safeguarding education funding and Proposition 98. These critical resources ensure that our schools have the necessary financial support to provide our students with a high-quality education. We look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue with the

Legislature to help shape a budget that continues to prioritize education and secures a brighter future for all Californians.”

Read Governor Newsom's press release on the proposed state budget.

Read additional details on the January Budget Proposal.

