Accountability & Data Literacy

LACOE supports schools and districts in the areas of state and federal accountability, including technical assistance with the California School Dashboard, state assessment systems, CALPADS data collection, LCAP metrics, SARCs, and more. We also provide professional development for school leaders in building a culture of data use to support continuous improvement. We support LEA administrators through the Data, Accountability, & Assessment Network (DAAN) and the CALPADS networks, which provide members with the latest information related to accountability, assessment, and data collection and provide opportunities for collaboration and problem-solving.

The Data, Assessment, & Accountability Network (DAAN) is a level-alike network for administrators who have responsibilities related to maintaining their LEA's data, administering state assessments and reporting for accountability. Members receive the latest information from the State Board of Education (SBE) and the state's Regional Assessment Network (RAN); assessment updates; and key insights on the use of data for continuous improvement. Network members also benefit from presentations and shared resources from their colleagues throughout Los Angeles County.

Resources & Events

Visit the DAAN Canvas webpage for updated information, additional resources and more!

CALPADS Administrators and Accountability Directors are the target audience for these meetings, which support understanding of the latest information about the CALPADS system. Topics include CALPADS' impact on accountability and the dashboard; best practices in data governance; assignment monitoring and special education data. SIS vendors serving the majority of our schools and districts provide updates in breakout sessions immediately following. LACOE's network meetings will continue to follow the California Department of Education’s (CDE) CALPADS Quarterly Updates by approximately one week.

Resources & Events

Visit the CALPADS Network Canvas webpage for updated information, additional resources and more.

Visit the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System webpage to learn more about CALPADS and how individual-level data, including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessmenst, staff assignments and other data is maintained for state and federal reporting.

Visit the Accountability & Data Literacy Calender to learn more about our upcoming events.


California Department of Education Website

The CDE website offers a range of information and resources, including the California Schoool Dashboard and additional data and accountability tools.

DataQuest Portal Access

DataQuest provides meaningful data and statistics about California's K-12 public education system that supports a variety of informational, research and policy needs.

Smarter Balanced Consortium

The Smarter Balanced assessment system includes a comprehensive suite of standards-aligned assessments and tools—including instructional supports, interim assessments, and summative assessments—to support effective teaching and maximize learning for each individual student.

Access Form for the Math and Science Performance Task Banks

The Performance Task Development Project created task banks for math and science assessment. By clicking the link above, you will be taken to an acceptable use agreement form; once you submit the form, you will be granted access to the performance task banks.


Schedule a Meeting!

The link above will allow you to schedule a free, 15- or 30-minute Zoom consultation with a staff member from the Accountability and Data Literacy Unit.